Meet the Staff


Director, Lisa Smith

Lisa has been working the Student Services Division for over 20+ years.  She began her educational pursuits at Wallace State where she received her A.S. degree. She then transferred to Athens State College where she received her Bachelor’s in Education. Afterwards, she obtained a M.A. from the University of Alabama. She is currently the Director of Special Populations/Student Resource Center. She tremendously enjoys working with students and helping them reach their full potential.


English Tutoring Coordinator, Jessica Robinson

Jessica began her educational journey at Bevill State Community College, where she received an Associate of Arts in English Language Arts. She then transferred to UAB, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in English Literature. Along the way, she had the opportunity to tutor in UAB’s Athletic Services Department and the University Writing Center, where she found immense joy in teaching and helping students reach their educational goals. Before joining the Wallace State staff, she gained experience in teaching freshman composition and first-year experience, coordinating writing centers and tutoring programs, and academic advising.

Science Tutoring Coordinator, Daniel Young

Daniel began his collegiate career at Wallace State, where he received an A.S. in General Studies. He then transferred to Athens State University where he received his B.S. in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. After graduation, he began working as the Science Tutoring Coordinator for Wallace State. He really enjoys when students have an “aha moment,” when they finally understand the material.



Contact Us

For more information call 256.352.7821 or send e-mail to


Interested in Becoming a Peer Tutor?

Do you have at least a 3.0 overall GPA? Have you earned a “B” or higher in the classes you wish to tutor in? Then consider applying to be a peer tutor.

Complete the application and email it to the coordinator for the subject area you wish to tutor in or to